How to Self-Publish a Book: A Step-By-Step Guide

48 Hour Books: Your Self-Publishing Partner

We know many of our book printing customers are new to self-publishing. They’re not sure how to get a book published. What are the first steps of self-publishing?

How do you publish a book?

If you’re asking this question, you’re not alone. Many first-time authors aren’t sure where to begin, and even experienced self-publishers have felt unsure during the process.

That’s why we offer a range of services that provide assistance along the way. From editing, to design, to registering an ISBN, we offer expert help and advice.

Whether you need a little extra hand-holding — or a lot! — you’ll find the service and resources you need by partnering with us.

How to Start Self-Publishing

There’s more to publishing your book than just ordering printed copies. There are many benefits to self-publishing. You have greater control and you don’t need to share the proceeds with a publisher.

When self-publishing a book, you’ll need to do some of the tasks a traditional publisher would normally handle. Below, we offer an overview of the step-by-step self-publishing process.

As you complete each step, check it off the list: you’re that much closer to having a professional, printed book!

stack of paperback books

Step One: Editing

Obviously, the real first step is writing your book, but if you’re ready to self-publish, you’ve probably already done that. Congratulate yourself – you’ve completed the hardest step of all!

Now you want make sure it’s edited. You can read it yourself and ask others to read it, too. Even better: hire a professional. They’ll polish your manuscript and help you find every typo. We can connect you with professional editors who will help your book shine.

Get Editing Resources

Step Two: Book Design

Your book needs to be in a format to be printed. You can do this yourself using our free book templates! They’ll help you format your book properly before the printing process begins.

Get Free Templates
Step Three: Book Cover Design

Interior formatting isn’t the only design consideration: you’ll also need to design your book’s cover. You can do this yourself using our cover specs, hire a graphic designer to help, or simply use our friendly cover design services. Whether you’re looking for plug-and-play templates or fully customized cover design, we’re here to help.

Get Cover Design Help
Step Four: Ebook Conversion

Don't forget the eBook version! We can help you perform eBook conversions so your book is ready to upload to major eBook distributors in the proper format. We convert your files manually, and make sure they are validated to prevent any difficulties along the way. This lets you distribute digital copies for reading on Kindle, Nook, and other popular eBook readers.

Get eBook Conversion

Step Five: ISBN and Barcodes

Part of distributing your printed book includes having an ISBN, or International Standard Book Number. This unique identifier helps bookstores and libraries get the right book on the shelves, so it’s an important part of self-publishing your book.

We offer ISBN packages, so you can buy an ISBN and barcode for every printed book and eBook you publish, making it easy for distributors and booksellers to find your book. You can also use this time to register your copyright.

See ISBN Packages

Step Six: Printing and Shipping

Once you’ve taken care of writing, editing, designing and registering your book, it’s finally time to print! As the world’s fastest book printing company, we can print your book in as little as two days. Plus, we offer premium finishes, deluxe add-ons and other professional-quality printing touches our competitors just can’t match. Take a look at all of these beautiful options on our website.

Check out our easy-to-understand print schedules and shipping schedules.

Print My Book

Tips and Information for Self-Publishing

We want to be your self-publishing partner. Count on us for the tips and resources you need to self-publish a high-quality, professional book.

Want more details on how the printing process works? The Ultimate Guide to a 48 Hour Book gives you everything you need to know, step by step. It also lets you see the quality of our paper and printing techniques.
Even better? It’s free!

Learn More

If you want to know how to publish a book, our website is a great resource. Know exactly what to expect after you place your order by reviewing our detailed pre-press and production schedules, shipping schedules, FAQs and more. Through our blog, learn the ins and outs of publishing, including terms you should know and tips on marketing, design and other important publishing topics.

various best-seller book covers

Let the experts at 48 Hour Books help you self-publish your book!

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In addition to this self-publishing checklist, we have customer services reps, always ready to help. You don’t have to self-publish alone! Partner with us — we’ve got the experience you need and the personalized customer service you deserve.

Let us help you on your journey to becoming a published author.