Authors today have multiple options for book distribution, including eBooks. Converting your files into eBook-ready formats is another service offered by 48 Hour Books.
With eBook conversion by 48 Hour Books, we convert your book files to ePub format (accepted by all major eBook readers). We can also include a jpg image of your book’s cover with each order, which will be important for displaying or publishing your eBook online.
Economy conversions are for books with:
Standard conversions are for books with:
If your book does not fit the criteria listed in either category above, your eBook conversion would be considered a custom conversion. For custom conversions, provide the following information, and we’ll provide a custom quote:
Or, you can email us your file, and we'll take a look at it and provide the custom quote.
If you would like to add an eBook conversion to your print book order, you’ll be able to do so during the initial order process. If your print book order has already been placed, contact us to add an eBook to the existing order.
Once we have converted your files to eBook format, we will email you the completed ePub file.
The ePub file can be installed on an eReader device such as a Kindle, Nook, iPhone, iPad, etc. We recommend that you do not try to read the files on a computer, even with certain eBook simulators, as they are not true representations of the eBook. However, if you do not have access to an e-Reader device, you can use free software such as Adobe Digital Editions or the Kindle App to view the files on your computer.
If you discover any problems with the workmanship of your files, we will fix it immediately at no cost to you. If you have typos or “author’s alterations” that you would like to fix, we may be able to fix them. We offer these fixes at a reasonable hourly rate. (Of course, it is always best practice – and least expensive – to make sure your files are perfect before the conversion process. This is where the importance of an editor comes in to play.)
For more detailed answers about our eBook conversion services, see the section on eBooks found on our FAQs page.
While our conversion team takes extra time to replicate the look and feel of your original file, the layout of your book may not be exactly the same. eBooks have certain limitations that other files do not. You may notice the following differences between your printed book and your eBook:
When you self-publish, you don’t have to go it alone! Partner with us — we’ve got the experience you need and the personalized customer service you deserve. See more reasons why we stand out from the competition, and let us help you on your journey to publishing your own eBook.