Blogging and Self-Publishing: 6 Ways to Generate Revenue

May 23, 2021 (Last Updated February 17, 2021)

48 Hour Books

By Aaron Swain


Want to earn money with your writing talent? Consider blogging and self-publishing to earn recurring income while doing what you love. In this article, you will find six ways to make money writing.

Create an Online Course

If you have a wide audience, then it most likely means that there is something that you do better than other people. Your skill has all the chances of becoming the source of your income. Why not share with others what you do best?


If you are a successful fitness trainer, why not create an online home workout course? Do you run a culinary blog? Then you can create an online course for teaching the preparation of some dishes. Or maybe you just share your life and generate a following. You can create a tutorial on how to blog successfully or how to make money writing.


Since you have a blog, it will be easy to promote your course. You've probably noticed that most influencers are constantly launching all kinds of online courses. The audience likes to receive useful information and learn. This option can be a way for a passive but stable income.

Launch a Marathon

Online courses can be modified into a marathon format. The purpose of a marathon is to motivate participants to complete useful tasks for a certain period of time. This format is in particular demand among the online audience, as a lot of users want to gain new knowledge and benefit quickly with additional motivation. Usually, marathons result in a winner.


The most popular types of marathons at the moment are nutrition or sports marathons. For example, during the week, participants eat according to a pre-agreed menu and do a set of sports exercises. The winner may be the one with the best result.


Prizes act as a powerful trigger that makes consumers pay money to participate. As noted by many bloggers, this format can bring almost twice as much income compared to standard online courses. For someone, such an option can become a source of permanent income, or as a seasonal way of earning.


Self-publish an eBook

E-book publishing is the cheapest but the most promising way of getting passive income. If you have a blog and a live audience, then this means you know how to draw in readers and make money writing. This is exactly what you need to create a book. Surely, the topic of your book should be related to the topic of your blog, if you have one.


However, if you choose to self-publish, you are free to write about anything you want. But don’t forget that you need to research and find out what people are interested in, come up with a strategy for your eBook promotion. It should include your personal website development, social media, and email marketing strategy, as well as paid advertising and publishing expenses.


Need help with eBook conversion services? Don’t worry, 48 Hour books has you covered!

Make a Bet on Freelance Writing

If you are able to attract readers to your blog, consider freelance writing. Here are two review resources you can refer to: Best Writers Online and Online Writers Rating. This is a very promising idea since according to statistics for 2019, a freelance writer received an average of $30 per hour. Your blog can act as a portfolio of your work. There are many ways to search for freelance writing opportunities, including sites like Upwork, job boards, and even social media.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is another popular and profitable way of making money if you have a blog. How does it work? Typically, you will receive a commission from the purchases of consumers who clicked on the link from your blog. Accordingly, you will need to constantly write about the brand and its products in your blog and motivate your audience to buy.

Make sure to choose a product that fits the topic of your blog and test its quality personally before offering it to your subscribers. They will be grateful for a win-win recommendation and won’t be bothered by the ads.

Accept Paid Content

If you are the owner of an authoritative blog with a large audience, then there is an opportunity to make money by posting articles written by others. Most newbies want to find a place where they can post their publications to gain more subscribers. This method of making money is more stable and does not require much time, compared to creating an eBook and selling it, for example.


*Do not forget to indicate that you are offering this type of collaboration on your blog! However, make sure to accept only high-quality articles to strengthen your reputation even more.




All of the methods above require your time and effort. However, all of them are equally promising and suitable if you have a talent for engaging an audience with your words. Don’t be intimidated by these options! It is quite possible to realize all of these strategies at once and create several streams of stable income. Start today! You already have everything you need.


Are you looking to become a self-published author? Partner with 48 Hour Books to print your book. Get started, today.


Aaron Swain is a writing specialist. He is passionate about marketing and SEO. He expands and improves his skills throughout the writing process to help and inspire others. 

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