Self-Published Author Spotlight: Dr. William Glaze

March 13, 2019 (Last Updated October 24, 2022)

48 Hour Books

Title of Book:

In the Garden with the Father: In Pursuit of Intimacy with God

Quick Summary:

In this work, Dr. Glaze dives deep into the well of pursuing intimacy with God.  He shows the reader how to move from a casual acquaintance to an intimate relationship with God.  He approaches the subject of intimacy from many aspects, and all who read and apply the principles in this book will experience true intimacy with God.

About the Author:

Dr. Glaze completed his undergraduate studies at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado in 1978 where he was selected to Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.   In 1984 he completed graduate studies at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in Lynchburg, Virginia, where he was the recipient of The B. R. Lakin Award for Persuasive Preaching and awarded First Place in the Sermon Contest.  In 1987, he earned a Doctor of Sacred Theology Degree from Bethany Theological Seminary, in Dothan, Alabama.  He is the author of ten books including Touched by the Breath of God; Discipleship for Today’s World; Rebuilding the Fences of Broken Relationships; and Everybody Ought to Know Who Jesus Is.

What inspires you to write?

My inspiration for writing is knowing that what is put in print will be available not only for others to read but it will also help them to live better lives.

How often do you write?

To some degree, I write every week as I prepare sermons to preach on Sundays.  If I feel the series I am preaching will make a good book to help others, I will spend a little more time writing the manuscript.

How long have you been writing?

About 15 years.

What, according to you, is the hardest thing about writing?

The hardest thing is fine-tuning (reading, rereading and making corrections) the manuscript before giving it to someone else to read.

Have you ever experienced “Writer’s Block”? How long do they usually last?

I don’t have a problem with writer’s block.  I look at writing like surfers looks at surfing, they catch the waves and ride them.  I wait for the inspiration to come, and when it does, I ride it and usually don’t get writer’s block.

Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?

Wait for the wave and ride it.

Describe your writing process. Do you have a routine?

I usually write my manuscript as I prepare my sermons to preach each week.

Do you read much, and if so, who are your favorite authors?

I am usually reading something every day, mostly theological works.

What is the most important thing about a book in your opinion?

It has to be practical, something that helps people, which they can refer back to time and time again.

Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers or authors looking to self-publish?

Get trusted people who can read and edit your work.

What is the most rewarding thing about printing your book?

The most rewarding thing is to have a resource to put into people’s hands that will help them.

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