Self-Published Author Spotlight: Sally Lipsky

December 19, 2018 (Last Updated October 24, 2022)

48 Hour Books

Title of Book: Beyond Cancer: The Powerful Effect of Plant-Base Eating

Quick Summary: The book provides potentially life-saving information about optimizing cancer survival and overall health with diet. Includes: why eating plants is crucial to fighting, and preventing, cancer; step-by-step guidance on adopting plant-centered eating habits—in and out of the home; practical recipes, and helpful resources. The author, a late-stage cancer survivor, provides an empowering message for readers. 

About the Author: For over 20 years I worked as a professor of education at a nearby university. However, a diagnosis of late-stage cancer changed my career path. I began educating myself about the power of food to heal and protect from disease, thereby starting my journey into plant-based eating. Presently, I’m a plant-based nutrition author, educator, and speaker. I combine my expertise in learning and instruction with my knowledge and passion about plant-based nutrition. My website is

What inspires you to write? Educating others about a potentially life-saving topic and providing vital information that most people do not receive from their healthcare practitioners.

How often do you write? Five days a week.

How long have you been writing? I wrote academically for years when I was a professor. However, with a career change, I switched to consumer-friendly writing about five years ago.

What, according to you, is the hardest thing about writing? Deciding on the words that most aptly express my message.

Have you ever experienced writer’s block? Yes!  If so, how long does it usually last? A day or two.

Any tips you would like to share to overcome it? Take your mind off your writing—change your activity. Do physical exercise (I do yoga), socialize (writing can be very isolating), household tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc.), or other leisure activity that gives your brain a much-needed rest from your writing project.

Describe your writing process. Do you have a routine? I have a desk by a window with a bed nearby for my snoozing dog. I usually write in the mid-morning hours and I talk aloud when I write. Also, I continually revise my work as I write.

Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers or authors looking to self-publish? Become aware of the ins and outs of self-publishing. Acquire knowledge about the complexities of the self-publishing industry. Talk to experts and professionals, take a course, seek information from self-publishing associations, and ask more experienced authors for their resources and suggestions.

What is the most rewarding thing about printing your book? The very positive feedback from readers—their comments make me smile with satisfaction! Examples: “an inspiration and a possible life saver,” “This book and Sally have changed my life!” “Informative, fun, and practical -- I highly recommend it.”


Book cover of "Beyond Cancer" by Sally Lipsky



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