5 Online Resources for Self-Publishing Success

November 27, 2018 (Last Updated March 04, 2024)

Marcy G.

There’s a lot of moving parts as you embark on your self-publishing journey and getting organized can seem like the most daunting part; Writing the actual book is half the battle. Next comes formatting, editing, designing, printing, and marketing - oh my!   We’ve scoured the Internet and asked self-publishers for their go-to online resources.



Scrivener is a tool for writing novels, developed for writers by writers.  It’s a software program that allows you to organize your novel in one place. Think of Scrivener as one big project space where you can organize all of the elements of your book on a “digital corkboard.” Many writers like to compartmentalize different sections of their book before it all comes together; Essentially, Scrivener turns your organized chaos into a complete book, making the writing process easier. There are many different tools the software offers, which can seem overwhelming, but many writers use it for basic organization of notes, research, inspiration, and actual writing.  If you struggle meeting personal goals and deadlines, writers have found Scrivener helpful in achieving their word count goals for the day. When you’re ready to format your book in Microsoft Word, you can easily transfer your written pages from Scrivener to Word. This software does cost $38-45 and requires use of a Mac. You can find an overview of the different features at their website: https://bit.ly/2AGGXWi



Grammarly is a free browser extension that functions as an automated grammar checker. They do offer a more extensive version for $29.95/month. The premium version will check for plagiarism, strength of words used, genre-specific writing style checks, and more. The free extension simply provides critical grammar and spelling checks.  All you have to do is download the extension, upload your document, then correct the underlined mistakes. https://www.grammarly.com/



ProWritingAid is another editing and grammar service that you can try for free but would need to purchase the software for continued use. They brand their service as “your personal writing coach” offering grammar fixes, style edits, and a writing mentor in one package to improve your overall writing. In contrast to Grammarly, ProWritingAid may be useful for a new writer still figuring out their personal writing style. https://prowritingaid.com/                  



 A great resource for finding freelance editors and designers is Upwork. You simply post what service you need, including project details along with a proposed budget, then freelancers will contact you with a quote.  Once you choose a freelancer, the collaboration begins. https://www.upwork.com/



Reedsy provides a similar service to Upwork but has a clear target market of self-publishers. They market themselves as being “the home to the best publishing talent on the planet” providing editors, designers, publicists, marketers, ghostwriters, and web designers. You simply browse profiles of freelancers, compare offers, then start collaborating.  https://reedsy.com/


We’re Here to Help

At 48 Hour Books, we understand how many steps self-publishers have to go through before the printing process begins. We’ve tried to make it a little more seamless for you by offering some additional resources and services.


Free Book Templates are available for download in four different standard book sizes. If you’re just getting started, you can open one of our templates in Word (or other word processors) and start typing. Have questions? We have a PDF right new to the templates to help you get started.


Underneath the templates, you’ll find cover size calculators for paperback and hardcover books. You can enter your dimensions and page count to determine the proper sizing and spine width to design your cover.


If you’re already planning on using our printing services and need some additional help, there are some options on your online order form you may want to consider, including reformatting, Create-a-Cover, and ISBN ordering. 

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