8 Tips for Writing a Custom Travel Book

July 07, 2021 (Last Updated December 05, 2024)

Justin Osborne

Traveling is absolutely legendary. Not only do you get to meet new people and make new connections, but you’ve also got the chance to taste new foods and explore new places. Traveling makes you curious, excited, and it gives your life a whole new meaning. It can be your perfect escape plan or a mysterious experience.


You’ve probably traveled so much you could write a book. In fact, writing a travel book is an effective idea; it could help many people along the way and give you the financial resources to travel even more.  In order to write a travel book, you’ve got to be highly knowledgeable of all the places included in your book and be prepared to publish. Here are some tips on how to get ready to write a travel book.


Know why you’re writing

The first thing you have to figure out is why you are writing. If you truly care about your work, the outcome will be different – your writing will be exciting, novel, and authentic. If, however, you’re doing it only for money (for example), you might not be as successful (not to say that the financial gains are not an incentive, but you should find a higher purpose to write for). 

Ask yourself, why do you want to share your travel knowledge with others? What is the true reason behind your actions? What do you want to accomplish by writing this piece? Figuring out these questions can be a great starting point.


Make this book unique

Every writer has a different perspective on their travels. While for some, traveling to the US is mostly a culinary experience, for others, it might be the connections that they make or the monuments that they see. Find out what you truly care about when you’re traveling. What do you pay the most attention to? What catches your eye? If you figured that out, it’s time to give your book an authentic vibe. Focus on the things you enjoyed the most while traveling and offer tips in that arena. If you’re paying attention to the small details, then write about those. If you’re more focused on the bigger picture, write about that. Make this book your own.


Understand the general rules of travel writing

Knowing how to write a travel book is still important, even if you can work around it and personalize it according to your taste. According to Dan at essay writer service, here are some things to remember:

·      Write it in first-person.

·      Your story must be told in the past tense.

·      Your voice must be conversational – being too strict won’t connect with the reader.

·      Try to include as many sensory details as you can.

·      Offer insightful advice and useful tips for sightseeing and navigating into a new culture.

·      Make your stories and advice relatable to your readers.


Edit, edit, edit

Now that you’ve written your first draft, it’s time to edit. Do not skip this step or try to continue without editing. Editing is as important as writing the book – if your writing contains errors or grammar mistakes, you can say goodbye to your followers/readers. You can use any online editing tool available such as Grammarly or Hemingway. You could also connect with one of the writers at uk.bestessays.com to get their advice on your writing. There are many ways in which you can check your spelling and grammar, so do it as soon as you’re done with your first draft.


Do not use clichés

Travelers hate clichés. Get rid of those. While it’s okay to write insightful descriptions of your travels, try to avoid adding too many adjectives to your text. Try to keep it simple and concise. If there is something that stood out to you (and you want to describe it), then do it – but do it from your heart. Don’t do it for any other reason.


You can! So be confident about it

You might be thinking, ‘there must be so many unpublished travel book authors out there!” and you’d be right. Yes, there are. But that should not scare you away – it should empower you to be original and true to yourself. As I mentioned before, do it for the right reason, make it authentic, and you’ll sell out super-fast.


Continue exploring

Practice makes perfect, as they say. So don’t stop exploring once you’re done writing your book. Keep going and gather new information that could help you write your next masterpiece.


Wrapping Up your travel book

Writing a travel book is an excellent way to be helpful amongst travelers. You could give back what you’ve received based on your own experience. How awesome is that? You’ve got this, so start writing!


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Justin is a travel writer for essay writer service and a blogger. He likes to discuss travels and share his own ideas with readers on different blogs and forums. Currently, he is working as an editor at uk.bestessays.com.

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Lindsey Archibald October 27, 2023

Article is inspiring and just in time.

martin euston September 19, 2023

Travelling from Uk to New Zealand then onto the USA and back to UK. I am sure their will be plenty of stories to tell, and would like your advice about a potential book about the experience.

48 Hr Books October 30, 2023

Hi Martin! Feel free to call us and we'd be happy to answer any questions you have about printing a travel book: 800-231-0521

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