Self-Published Author Spotlight: Susan Davis

March 09, 2021 (Last Updated October 10, 2024)

48 Hour Books

Looking for some book writing inspiration? We are so pleased share this interview with self-published author, Susan Davis. See what Susan has to say about her writing process, what inspires her to write, and her best advice for aspiring authors.


What is the title of your book?

Blue Rose


What is your book about?

A non-fiction book about myself as a little girl growing up on a foster farm. Each chapter reveals the struggles I had to survive to reach adulthood. The reference to a rose refers to the feelings I felt when I was taken from my safe environment and began to slowly die and losing my sense of self. The rose slowly dies and loses its petals due to lack of nurturing after being picked.


About the Author:

I am a retired Social Service worker and Pomeranian breeder. I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada and have one married daughter, Jennifer, who has been by my side through my journey of restoring my self-esteem that affected my entire life.


What inspires you to write?

I love to write and writing helps me to express myself and it offers me the opportunity to speak for others who can’t find their voice.


How often do you write?

If I could I would like to write every day.


How long have you been writing?

10 years.


What, according to you, is the hardest thing about writing?

Writing emotional feelings.


Have you ever experienced writer’s block? If so, how long does it usually last?

I wouldn’t really call it a writer’s block, but there have been times I’ve had to set my book aside until I am done mulling its context. Then I return to put the thoughts on paper.


Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?

Take the time to feel and get into the person you are writing about.


Describe your writing process. Do you have a routine?

I write thoughts down on pieces of paper and group them up before preparing any chapter.


Do you read much, and if so, who are your favorite authors?

I like to read both fiction and non-fiction books.


What is the most important thing about a book in your opinion?

People need to push through their rough journeys and find their own path to success and new hope.


Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers or authors looking to self-publish?

Have confidence in yourself and never give up.


What is the most rewarding thing about printing your book?

I am hoping now that my book is published that it is seen from different angles. One way is that they feel and understand the need that every child needs to be loved and have their voice heard regardless of their age. The second way is that some readers, who are in positions of counselors for our vulnerable people, would see beyond the printed words. I hope they see the emotional distress of this child and understand her poor behavior choices. I hope they can learn from my story because it is real. My story can’t be found in their standard textbook.


You can order "Blue Rose" by contacting Susan Davis directly at


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