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Self-Published Author Spotlight: Alnita Dixon

September 06, 2019 (Last Updated July 18, 2022)

48 Hour Books

Are you looking for some writing inspiration from a fellow self-published author? Read this interview with Alnita Dixon, author of Abet, Abide or Avenge, and get some tips for writing your next book.


Author Alnita Dixon


TITLE OF BOOK: Abet, Abide or Avenge

QUICK SUMMARY:  An easy read book that chronicles a precarious predicament fueled by the spirit of jealousy that nearly ended my life.  This story was hidden in my heart until I found the courage to vocalize it as writing became my comfort.  It is a compelling and engaging story that contains drama, mystery, scandal and suspense.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:   After my retirement as an Office Manager, I started writing as a hobby.  Deciding to preserve my family history, I wrote and published my first book, “The Bright Side of Darkness”.  I wrote my second book “Abet, Abide or Avenge” to face my distorted past. 

WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO WRITE:  Writing allowed me to release the heavy load of hurt, pain and shame I carried deep in my heart for years.  Through my journey, my hope has been to empower, encourage and inspire others.

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WRITING?   I attempted to write my first book in 2013, subsequently I am working on my third book.

HOW OFTEN DO YOU WRITE?  Not often. In 2015 I published my first book; while working on the first book I was inspired to write two additional books.  To my surprise, I am writing a trilogy. 

WHAT, ACCORDING TO YOU IS THE HARDEST THING ABOUT WRITING?  My ideas often come in the middle of the night or times when I am focused on something else.  If I don’t write down my thoughts, I lose them.  Also, writing requires several rewrites until it sounds right.

DESCRIBE YOUR WRITING PROCESS?  DO YOU HAVE A ROUTINE?  I often have to find time to focus on writing and other times ideas come when I least expect it. Writing allows me to mentally enter into another realm and see things from a different perspective.

DO YOU READ MUCH, AND IF SO, WHO ARE YOUR FAVORITE AUTHORS?  I love to read fiction or non-fiction books such as inspirational, memoirs, romance, mystery and theological books which include several different authors.

WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT A BOOK IN YOUR OPINION?  A book should be an easy read that captures the reader’s attention and heart, written so descriptively that the reader can visualize the details in their mind.

ANY ADVICE YOU WOULD LIKE TO GIVE TO ASPIRING WRITERS OR AUTHORS LOOKING TO SELF-PUBLISH? Self-publication requires a lot of work but allows writers to develop and publish their own styles of writing.  Write on a subject or theme that you are passionate about.

WHAT IS THE MOST REWARDING THING ABOUT PRINTING YOUR BOOK?   Discovering my gift of writing and seeing it published is awesome.  Having no voice to express my hurt and pain, writing was therapeutic and purifying.  Also, I am amazed to hear others positive feedback.  


"Abet, Abide or Avenge" by Alnita Dixon book cover


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